Worlds collide, ancient boundaries are crossed, taboos are broken and a violent crime is committed in Rose Tremain’s powerful and unsettling novel.

In a silent valley stands an isolated stone farmhouse. Its owner is an alcoholic - so haunted by his violent past that he’s become incapable of all meaningful action. He lets his hunting dogs starve and his land go to ruin. His sister lives alone, and dreams of exacting retribution for unspoken betrayals. Into this closed Cévenol world comes a disillusioned antiques dealer from London. From the moment he arrives, a frightening and unstoppable series of events is set in motion.

The Man Booker Prize 2010
Published by
Chatto & Windus
Publication date

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Rose Tremain

Rose Tremain

About the Author

A year after judging the Booker Prize, Rose Tremain was shortlisted for Restoration. She wasn’t done, however, and renewed her acquaintance with the prize in 2010 as a longlistee with Trespass.
More about Rose Tremain

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