In Rose Tremain’s wry historical novel, a student abandons his studies to revel in gluttony, indolence and buffoonery at the Court of King Charles II.

Having forsaken Medicine for the Court, Robert Merivel finds favour with the King, and serves as ‘paper groom’ to the youngest royal mistress in exchange for an estate and knighthood. But by falling in love with her himself, he violates the rules and is banished from Court. Merivel’s enforced purgatory leads to work in a Quaker Bedlam - and a yet more painful fall from grace - before he can achieve spiritual and social restoration.
The Booker Prize 1989
Published by
Hamish Hamilton
Publication date

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Rose Tremain

Rose Tremain

About the Author

A year after judging the Booker Prize, Rose Tremain was shortlisted for Restoration. She wasn’t done, however, and renewed her acquaintance with the prize in 2010 as a longlistee with Trespass.
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