Originally from Chicago, Leah Janeczko has lived in Milan since 1991. For over 25 years she’s been an Italian-to-English translator of fiction for all ages.

Her recent translations include Glowrushes (Lo stralisco) by Roberto Piumini, who received the Rodari Lifetime Achievement Award in 2020 and has twice been nominated for the Hans Christian Andersen Award; At the Wolf’s Table / The Women at Hitler’s Table (Le assaggiatrici) by Rosella Postorino, winner of the 2018 Campiello Prize; and Lost on Me (Niente di Vero, shortlisted for the 2022 Premio Strega) by Veronica Raimo. She also writes English song lyrics for Italian bands.

Portrait of translator Leah Janeczko

All nominated books

Pink book cover of Lost on Me with a black and white photo of a young woman screwing up her face.

Translated by Leah Janeczko