In DBC Pierre’s darkly comic debut novel, an acerbic, foul-mouthed 15-year-old boy goes on the run after a mass shooting at his Texas high school. 

Vernon Gregory Little has secrets, but none of them, or so he assumes, have anything to do with the recent massacre of sixteen students at his high school. But the quirky Texan backwater of Martirio becomes a deadly crucible as all eyes turn on Vernon. He flees to Mexico but is captured and put on trial as Texas’ most notorious serial killer. Then, on the afternoon of his execution, Vernon conceives a wholly modern solution to his dilemma – one that calls for the greatest crime of all.

The Man Booker Prize 2003
Published by
Faber & Faber
Publication date

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D.B.C. Pierre

DBC Pierre

About the Author

DBC Pierre has worked as a designer and cartoonist. He was born in Australia, raised in Mexico and has lived in Ireland and England.
More about DBC Pierre