An extract from The Birthday Party by Laurent Mauvignier, translated by Daniel Levin Becker
Read an extract from Laurent Mauvignier’s gripping tale Birthday Party, which was longlisted for the International Booker Prize 2023
Daniel Levin Becker is a critic, editor and translator from Chicago, who now lives in Paris.
In 2009, Levin Becker became the youngest member of the French literary collective Oulipo, which was the subject of Many Subtle Channels. His published translations include Georges Perec’s La Boutique Obscure, An Ideal Presence by Eduardo Berti, and Serge Haroche’s The Science of Light. He is a founding editor of Fern Books, English editor for the French nonfiction publisher Odile Jacob, senior editor at McSweeney’s Publishing and a long-term contributing editor to The Believer.
Daniel Levin Becker’s translation of The Birthday Party was longlisted for the International Booker Prize 2023, announced on March 14, 2023.
Translated by Daniel Levin Becker