Joseph O’Neill plumbs the depths and shallows of male friendship in his dazzling tale of belonging and not belonging - and the uneasy state in between.
Joseph O’Neill’s entertaining comic novel about a man’s mounting regret over his rash decision to become a Mr Fixit for a rich Middle Eastern family.
2007, New York. A rootless attorney bumps into an old college buddy and accepts his friend’s offer of a job in Dubai, as the overseer of an enormous family fortune. Haunted by the collapse of his relationship and hoping for a fresh start, our strange hero soon begins to suspect that he has exchanged one inferno for another.
About the Author
Joseph O’Neill is a double Booker longlistee (2008 and 2014) who read law at university rather than English because ‘literature was too precious’ to demystify it by too much academic analysis.