With pitch perfect precision, Richard Powers tells the story of a musician journeying into his past as he desperately flees the present.

One evening, 70-year old avant-garde composer Peter Els opens his front door to find the police on his doorstep. His home microbiology lab - the latest experiment in his lifelong attempt to discover musical patterns in DNA strands - has come to the attention of Homeland Security. Panicked by the raid, Els flees and turns fugitive. In response, the government promises a terrified nation that the ‘Bioterrorist Bach’ will be found and brought to trial.
The Man Booker Prize 2014
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Author Richard Powers

Richard Powers

About the Author

Richard Powers is a multi-award-winning American author. He lives in the Great Smoky Mountains
More about Richard Powers

Other nominated books by Richard Powers

Playground by Richard Powers
The Overstory