Lucy Ellmann’s scorching indictment of America’s barbarity, past and present, and a lament for a world sleepwalking into environmental disaster.

Latticing one cherry pie after another, an Ohio housewife tries to bridge the gaps between reality and the torrent of meaningless info that is the United States of America. She worries about her children, her dead parents, African elephants, the bedroom rituals of ‘happy couples’, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and how to hatch an abandoned wood pigeon egg.

The Booker Prize 2019
Published by
Galley Beggar Press
Publication date

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Lucy Ellmann

Lucy Ellmann

About the Author

Lucy Ellmann is the daughter of two writers, Richard and Mary Ellman. Her eighth novel, Ducks, Newburyport was shortlisted for the 2019 Booker Prize
More about Lucy Ellmann

Lucy Ellmann reads from Ducks, Newburyport


Lucy Ellmann reads from her 2019 Booker Prize shortlisted book Ducks, Newburyport.

The author also talks about her reason behind the lack of full stops in the novel.

Ducks, Newburyport