Oonagh Stransky has been a translator of Italian literature for over 20 years.

Oonagh Stransky’s translations from the Italian include works by Montale, Dell’Oro, Pontiggia, Lucarelli, Spaziani, Saviano, and Pope Francis. Shorter translations have appeared in The New England Review, Exchanges, the Massachusetts Review, the Southern Humanities Review, The Literary Review, and NYRB. Her publications have received the Silver Dagger Award and, on two occasions, UK PEN Translates grants. A longtime member of the American Literary Translator Association and PEN America, Stransky has taken part in translation workshops at Middlebury College, with Tim Parks, and with the European School of Literary Translation. Born in Paris, Stransky grew up in Beirut, Jeddah and London, she studied Comparative Literature at Mills College, UC Berkeley and the Università di Firenze, and she obtained a Master’s degree in Italian from Columbia University. She is the translator of the English edition of The House on Via Gemito by Domenico Starnone, longlisted for the International Booker Prize 2024. She currently lives in Italy.