Gaby Wood is the Chief Executive of the Booker Prize Foundation.
Prior to her appointment Gaby Wood was Head of Books at the Telegraph, and for 15 years she was an editor and staff feature writer at the Observer, reporting for the last seven of those years from New York.
She has written, and occasionally illustrated, for a number of other publications including the London Review of Books, US Vogue and the New York Times, to which she has also contributed photographs. From 2007-2008 she was a Fellow of the Cullman Center at the New York Public Library. Edison’s Eve, her book about the history of automata, was shortlisted for the National Book Critics Circle award for non-fiction.
She has sat on judging panels for the Booker Prize, Granta’s Best of Young British Novelists and Granta’s Best of Young Spanish Language Novelists, among others. She grew up bilingually in English and Spanish and holds a first-class degree in French. She is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.