Zvi Jagendorf’s wonderful comic novel about a young Jewish refugee in wartime London is an enchanting blend of sharp humour and crisp observation.

Wolfy, a young Jewish refugee, has escaped to wartime London to live with the ‘strudelbakers’ - his super-critical aunt and melancholy uncle. An expert at living in two worlds - the chaotic and dark world of displaced people and the world of vitality and temptation he finds in the London streets - Wolfy discovers an England that is both exciting and unusual.

The Booker Prize 2001
Published by
Dewi Lewis
Publication date

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Wolfy and the Strudelbakers

Zvi Jagendorf

About the Author

Zvi Jagendorf is a writer, translator and teacher. He was Booker Prize-longlisted for his comedy-laced story of a boy refugee trying to step out of one world into a very different other.
More about Zvi Jagendorf