Gail Jones’ captivating chronicle of Lucy Strange, a gifted adolescent at the forefront of a ground-breaking new art form in the Victorian world.

Lucy is fascinated by light and by the new photographic technology. Her passionate perception of the world is revealed in a series of frozen images captured in the camera of her mind’s eye. In this finely woven and intricate novel, Jones has created an unforgettable character in the visionary Lucy. Gifted and exuberant, she touches the lives of all who know her, from her childhood in Australia through her adolescence in Bombay and - finally - to London.
The Man Booker Prize 2004
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Gail Jones

Gail Jones

About the Author

The author of eight novels, Gail Jones is an Australian academic who teaches cinema as well as literature. Unsurprisingly, images are central to her conception of fiction.
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