An old man with a nasty secret hopes to end his days peacefully, but Christopher Hope is not about to let that happen in this jet-black satire.

Max, the genial giant of Serenity House, north London’s ‘Premier Eventide Refuge’, might have been left to die in peace. But son-in-law Albert, an MP with a special interest in the War Crimes Bill, has other ideas. Then Jack arrives. An all-American boy who survives on a diet of video nasties and Chinese takeaways. Max is haunted by dreams of the Holocaust. And the occupants of Serenity House are haunted by Jack…

The Booker Prize 1992
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Christopher Hope

Christopher Hope

About the Author

Christopher Hope was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is the author of Kruger's Alp, which won the Whitbread Prize for Fiction.
More about Christopher Hope