The final volume of David Lodge’s witty Campus Trilogy is set around the unlikely relationship between a senior manager and a left-wing academic.

When Vic Wilcox, managing director of Pringle’s engineering works, meets English lecturer Dr Robyn Penrose, sparks fly - as their very different lifestyles and ideologies collide head on. What, after all, are they supposed to learn from each other? But, in time, both parties make some surprising discoveries about each other’s worlds - and about themselves.

The Booker Prize 1988
Published by
Secker & Warburg
Publication date

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David Lodge

David Lodge

About the Author

Despite believing that ‘a committee is a blunt instrument of literary criticism’, the novelist David Lodge chaired a group of judges that came up with a roundly applauded winner
More about David Lodge

Other nominated books by David Lodge

Small World
Out Of The Shelter