Whispers and fears intensify around a young boy in Hisham Matar’s gripping depiction of childhood confronted with the effects of revolution.

On a white-hot day in Tripoli in the summer of 1979, nine-year-old Suleiman is shopping in the market square with his mother. His father is away on business - but Suleiman is sure he has just seen him, standing across the street in a pair of dark glasses. But why isn’t he waving? And why doesn’t he come over when he knows Suleiman’s mother is falling apart? Suleiman begins to wonder whether his father has disappeared for good.

The Man Booker Prize 2006
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Author Hisham Matar

Hisham Matar

About the Author

Hisham Matar was born in New York to Libyan parents, spent his childhood in Tripoli and Cairo and has lived most of his life in London
More about Hisham Matar

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