A friendless orphan turned middle-aged drifter finds a lasting refuge in Shena MacKay’s curiously eccentric and warm-hearted novel.

The Nautilus, a strange building shaped like the chambered shell of the same name, was built in South London in the early 1930s. Designed on Modernist and Utopian principles, it became a haven for a floating community of cosmopolitan refugees, intellectuals and artists. Now, at the end of the century, only two of the original inhabitants remain - Celeste Zylberstein, joint architect of the Nautilus, and Francis Campion, an elderly poet. But another guest is on her way…
The Man Booker Prize 2003
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Shena Mackay

Shena Mackay

About the Author

Shena Mackay was born in Edinburgh. Her writing career began when she won a prize for a poem written when she was 14.
More about Shena Mackay

Other nominated books by Shena Mackay

The Orchard on Fire