Melvyn Bragg’s sequel to The Soldier’s Return. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the lives of the Richardson family have changed forever.

After the upheavals of the Second World War, the Richardson family - Sam, Ellen and their young son Joe - settle back to working-class life in the Cumbrian town of Wigton. Yet for them, as for so many, life will never be the same again. As the old order begins to be challenged and new vistas open, Sam and Ellen forge their future together with differing needs and desires - and conflicting expectations of Joe, who grows up with his own demons to confront.

The Booker Prize 2001
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Melvyn Bragg

Melvyn Bragg

About the Author

Melvyn Bragg, the cultural broadcaster and peer, was Booker Prize longlisted for the second time with A Son of War, the second volume in his The Soldier’s Return quartet.
More about Melvyn Bragg

Other nominated books by Melvyn Bragg

Crossing the Lines
A Place in England