From intimate gatherings to bustling festivals, we celebrate the finest in fiction at these UK events featuring Booker Prize and International Booker Prize authors

Check back soon for more events in the Booker Prizes calendar. 

Edinburgh International Book Festival

International Booker Prize 2024: The Act of Translation

The International Booker Prize is the annual award for the best novel or short story collection from around the world, translated into English and published in the UK or Ireland, and is unique in its equal recognition of both author and translator. Translating a work of fiction is an act of collaboration, and of faith, on the part of a writer and translator. Join Michael Hofmann (joint winner of the International Booker Prize 2024 for his translation of Jenny Erpenbeck’s Kairos) alongside 2024 judge Natalie Diaz as they discuss the hidden and seamless work of the translator with Fiammetta Rocco, Administrator of the International Booker Prize.

Where: EFI Courtyard Theatre, Edinburgh International Book Festival 

When: 4pm, Friday, 16 August 2024

Tickets: £15.50 (concessions £13.50/£10.50), available here

To see which other Booker Prizes nominees past and present are appearing at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, click here
