J.M. Coetzee became the first author to win the Booker twice with this tale set in post-apartheid South Africa, where a professor’s complacency contributes to his utter downfall.

Refusing to apologise after an impulsive affair with a student, David Lurie, a 52-year-old professor in Cape Town, seeks refuge on his daughter’s farm. Here, a savage and disturbing attack brings into relief the faults in their relationship. Pitching the moral code of political correctness against the values of Romantic poetry, Disgrace examines dichotomies both in personal relationships and in the unaccountability of one culture towards another.

The Booker Prize 1999
Published by
Secker & Warburg
Publication date

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J.M. Coetzee

J.M. Coetzee

About the Author

J.M. Coetzee is a multi-award-winning author, and was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature
More about J.M. Coetzee

Disgrace is the best novel Coetzee has written

Other nominated books by J.M. Coetzee

The Schooldays of Jesus
Slow Man
Elizabeth Costello
Life & Times of Michael K
Prize winner