In this spare, taut tale of confinement and escape, complicity and exploitation, Tommy Wieringa explores the value and fragility of human life. Translated by Sam Garrett.

Morocco. The place where Europe and Africa come closest to meeting, even if they never quite touch. Two adventurous European women embark on a journey through the land of their ancestors. A wrong turn. A bad decision. They are out of their comfort zone and out of their depth. So when the spry Saleh presents himself as their guide and saviour, they embrace his offer. He extracts them from a tight space, only to lead them into an even tighter one, from which there is no exit.

The Man Booker International Prize 2019
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Tommy Wieringa

Tommy Wieringa

About the Author

Tommy Wieringa was born in the Netherlands in May 1967.
More about Tommy Wieringa

Sam Garrett

About the Translator

Sam Garrett was born in Harrisburg, USA, in September 1956.
More about Sam Garrett