In a powerful response to a growing crisis, Jenny Erpenbeck’s novel explores questions about race, immigration, refugees and European identity. Translated by Susan Bernofsky.

Newly retired Richard spends his days cooking, pottering in his garden and walking around his home city of Berlin. Following an excursion to Alexanderplatz, he befriends a group of African men whose camp is being pulled down by the authorities. These asylum seekers have found their way to Berlin from all over Africa by way of Libya and then Italy. They have no ‘right’ to be in Berlin, and they must follow the rules if they have any hope in being allowed to remain.

The Man Booker International Prize 2018
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Portobello Books
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Jenny Erpenbeck

Jenny Erpenbeck

About the Author

Winner of the International Booker Prize 2024 for Kairos. Jenny Erpenbeck was born in East Berlin in 1967, and is an opera director, playwright and award-winning novelist.
More about Jenny Erpenbeck
Susan Bernofsky

Susan Bernofsky

About the Translator

Susan Bernofsky was born in Cleveland, USA, in July 1966.

More about Susan Bernofsky

Other nominated books by Jenny Erpenbeck

Yellow book cover of Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck with a black and white photo of a woman.
Prize winner